PSLE Results
West View Primary | National | |
PSLE Passes | 99.4% | 98.4% |
Good Progress Award for Chinese Language 2016
The Good Progress Award in Chinese Language has been set up by the Chinese Language and Culture Fund to encourage and reward Singapore primary students for their efforts in learning Chinese Language.
The award is given to the student in each level who showed the greatest improvement in the learning of Chinese Language. Each student will receive $50 popular vouchers.
We are proud to announce the recipients of the award. These students are the evidence of our school value ‘Excellence’ - Excellence is not being the best but trying your best. Keep up the good work!
Primary 1: Liew Li En, 1 Dynamic
Primary 2: Chantel Ng Su Teng, 2 Brilliant
Primary 3: Chin Si Yu, 3 Creative
Primary 4: Lee Zhen Cheng, 4 Adventurous
Primary 5: Kong Zheng Yang Lleyton, 5 Energetic
Primary 6: Felix Lim, 6 Brilliant (not in photo)

25th National Group Creative Story-Telling Competition 2016
25th National Group Creative Story-Telling Competition 2016 was held at Hwa Chong Institution on 30th July. It was a tough fight for our team. They had to compete with finalists such as Dao Nan Primary School, Nan Hua Primary School, Pei Hwa Presbyterian and ACS Junior. The theme “Singapore Spirit” was encapsulated through the wonderful performance by our pupils. Our school managed to beat all finalists to emerge as Champion!The script was written by Mdm Li Hongyu and co-trained by Mdm Shi Yuanna. Kudos to our teachers-in-charge who have put in a lot of effort and time to train the pupils. Thank you teachers and pupils for flying the West View Flag high!
Congratulations to the following pupils:
P5-E | LIM ZHI XIAN | 林智贤 |
P5-E | SAM LOK YIU | 岑乐瑶 |
P5-F | CHONG JIA CHEE | 张珈绮 |
P5-F | LIM JUN YOU | 林俊佑 |

Celebrating success together with Nan Hua High School

Receiving the award from MP Ms Tin Pei Ling
Sony Creative Science Award 2016
West View Primary School took part in the Sony Creative Science Award (SCSA) 2016. The competition aims to showcase the pupils’ creativity in designing toys that illustrate scientific principles. Pupils had a fun and enjoyable time in learning Science through this platform.
This year, SCSA received an overwhelming response from Primary schools all over Singapore with a total of 6432 toy entries. Our school submitted a total of 11 toy entries.
West View Primary School Toy Entries
Out of the many toy entries, we are proud to announce that two of our toy entries were selected as winning entries. The pupils collected their awards from Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Education, Dr Janil Puthucheary.
One of our toys, Rolling Marbles, was conferred a Merit Award for the ScizKid category. The toy inventor is Muhaimin Hanan from Primary 1 Energetic. Well done, Muhaimin!
(Muhaimin receiving his award from Dr Janil Puthucheary)
The next winner is Reiko Mari from Primary 2 Energetic. Her toy, Airball, was conferred a Commendation Award for the WhizKid category. Bravo Reiko!
(Reiko receiving her award from Dr Janil Puthucheary)
2 of our teachers, Mr Peter Ho and Mdm Rajvinder Kaur, were awarded the Blue Ribbon Award for their contribution to SCSA and having positive influence on pupils to encourage them to participate in SCSA.
2016 Junior Science Whiz Challenge
A group of 6F pupils (6 contestants and 10 supporters) took part in the 2016 Junior Science Whiz Challenge held at the River Valley High. Both the contestants and supporters had a meaningful time participating in the various activities like the Science Trails, Written and Practical Tests. A team of contestants comprising, Siow Jia Wei, Vencillaa Hendry Daniel Chitrarasu and Noshin Anbar Chowdhury, managed to come in 1st runner up for the practical test (competing with other 19 teams). Moreover, Siow Jia Wei was also one of the top 11 to 20th student in the written round. We hope to provide more of such experiences and opportunities for our pupils and continue to enthuse them in learning science.